8th Grade English Students Planning for Writing Narrative

Learn about the process our 8th grade English students used to plan to write their personal narrative.

By RRMS Spotlight on Learning
October 19, 2021

8th Grade English Students Planning for Writing Narrative  

A personal narrative is a narrative relating a personal experience, usually told in first person. The author’s job is to convey a message or lesson that they learned from that experience.  

  • Our 8th grade English students recently participated in prewriting activities as they prepared to write personal narratives. They generated ideas using a chart and narrowed their focus to 3 ideas and brainstormed further.
  • Once they identified 3 ideas, they participated in a Speed Dating simulation where they shared their potential topics with partners. Partners asked each other questions to fill in the gaps and they shared their favorites.
  • After the simulation, students developed the central idea for their personal narrative.

Our 8th grade English teachers are looking forward to learning more about their students as they guide them through this important writing process.