2024-2025 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic year.

2024-2025 SIIP At-a-Glance

Rocky Run Middle School

Region 5

Mr. Peter Kownacki, Principal

Measurable Outcome: English Language Arts (ELA)

● By June 2025, 80% of MLs will demonstrate growth in language acquisition as measured by their WIDA scores.  
● By June 2025, 100% of Rocky Run students will reach their Spring reading screener benchmark.                            

Related Strategies

"● Use formative integrated reading and writing tasks (i.e. reading responses, annotations)
● Increase opportunities to explicitly teach vocabulary using evidence-based methods (i.e. semantic feature analysis, analyzing word parts, frayer model, defining words in context, semantic mapping, etc.)
● Use multiple data points and evidence-based interventions aligned to science based reading research literacy intervention in Tier 2 and Tier 3"                            

Measurable Outcome: Success in Algebra Before High School

● By June 2025, the percentage of ML students who show strength in the reporting category of Probability, Statistics, Patterns, Functions & Algebra will increase from 3% to 43%.
● By June 2025, the percentage of all students who show strength in the reporting category of Probability, Statistics, Patterns, Functions & Algebra will increase from 27% to 70%.                         

Related Strategies

"● Increase teacher's implementation of strategies and conversation structures that increase academic talk between students related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.
● Increase formal collaboration between classroom teachers and ESOL teachers to develop the language of mathematics through the use of embedded strategies during whole group and small group instruction
● Increase systems of support during the school day, after school and summer to help students achieve success in mathematics."                            

Measurable Outcome: Discipline

● By June 2025, Rocky Run Middle School will increase the percentage of students responding favorably to the SEL Screener topic of Cultural Awareness and Action (how often students learn about, discuss, and confront issues of race, ethnicity, and culture in school) from the Fall 2024 screener results to the Spring 2025 screener results. Based on the Fall screener, the number of students who do not respond favorably in this domain will decrease by 50% on the Spring 2025 SEL Screener. 

Related Strategies

"● Provide tailored professional development for teachers and staff on Tier 1 wellness practices, including culturally responsive teaching, conflict resolution, and trauma-informed care. Offer specialized training on restorative practices and restorative justice for effective disciplinary approaches.
● Integrate Tier 1-3 restorative practices and tenets of restorative justice into school discipline procedures and practices
● Instructional materials and SEL practices will be informed by student voice and provide a diverse representation of identities"