Attendance Policies and Procedures

Procedures and policies regarding student attendance

Rocky Run Middle School 

Excused Absences

In Virginia, all students aged five (5) through eighteen (18) are required to attend school regularly. FCPS must record student attendance every day school is in session.

Students may be absent for these identified reasons,:

  1. Illness, including COVID isolation / quarantine
  2. Medical procedures that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours
  3. Religious and cultural observances
  4. Civic engagement (secondary students only)
  5. Funerals

Attendance Procedures

Keep in Touch Automated Attendance System:  Fairfax County has a call out system using Keep in Touch.  Data for unverified and unexcused absences will be extracted twice daily from our computer system allowing calls and e-mails to be sent via Keep in Touch. The first FCPS call out occurs at 9:00 AM.

Student Absent:  If you forget to call on the day of the absence you must either call or send a note stating the reason for the student’s absence within 2 school days to excuse the absence.  Student absences may be reported in one of the following ways: 

  1. Call the attendance line, available 24 hours a day, at 703-802-7782 and leave a brief message with the following information:
    • Student’s first and last name (with spelling
    • REASON for absence 
    • Your name/relationship
  2. Email the absence to [email protected] including the above information.
  3. Report a full day absence via SIS ParentVue.
  4. Send in a parent note when the child returns to school with the above information.

Student Arriving Late: Call 703-802-7782, come in with student or send a note in with the student. The following information is necessary:

  • Student’s first and last name 
  • Date of late arrival/REASON 
  • Your name/signature/relationship

Student Leaving Early:  Students must bring a note to the office BEFORE school starts. A pass will be issued and your student will be in the main office at the scheduled release time.  A parent must come into the office to sign the child out.  Please be prepared to show a picture ID.  Any person not listed on the Emergency Care Card may not pick up a student from school without written permission from the parent. The following information is necessary on the note:  

  • Student's first and last name/grade
  • Your name/signature/relationship


Prearranged/Travel Absences:

  • If you know in advance that your child will be absent from school for multiple days, please instruct him or her to visit the office with a note from the parent to obtain a prearranged absence form from the front office at least 36 hours before the date of the absence. Students will find all missed work posted on Schoology during their absences and will be expected to follow up with teachers regarding missed assessments upon their return.
  • Please note FCPS issued computers do NOT work outside of the US. Schoology and Google Drive can be accessed using personal devices. 
  • Rocky Run excuses up to 5 travel absences per school year. All additional days are considered 'Unexcused' Absences.

Excessive Excused or Unexcused Absences: 

  • School officials will request additional medical documentation to justify excessive daily absences. A Doctor’s note will be required when a student has accumulated absences in excess of 10 % of the school year. Please refer to the updated Students Rights and Responsibilities Booklet for regulations regarding excused and unexcused absences.  You may also view FCPS attendance regulations at the following link:

Excessive Tardies:  

  • Students will receive progressive discipline consequences for unexcused tardies to school and during the school day.  Students will serve a lunch detention for every 5 tardies. Students will receive administrative detention and school service for continued tardies. Tardies related to late arrival due to traffic, missing the bus, or oversleeping are not considered excused.