The Inspiration Studio and Tech Den

Learn more about Rocky Run Library's two makerspaces!

The Inspiration Studio in Action!

Frequently Asked Questions

What ARE the Inspiration Studio and Tech Den?

The Inspiration Studio and Tech Den are makerspaces - a place for students to expand and enhance their creativity through art, building, design, coding, etc. It is naturally in the library because we encourage students to explore all of their interests, learn something new, and discover who they are as people.

The Inspiration Studio also provides access to all students to materials they may not have at home, including Lego, electronics, cardboard/hot glue, specialty craft supplies, etc. The Tech Den has technology-related makerspace materials such as a green screen, iPads, graphic design materials, stop motion animation, podcast equipment, and a keyboard. It expands the idea of "What is making?" into making with technology, too.  

Students frequently try new things in our makerspaces or see other students creating something they have never seen before. It's a great opportunity to expand knowledge and understanding of the world around them - through hands-on making instead of reading!

Thanks to a generous donation by Asha-Jyothi in 2020, we launched our beautiful Inspiration Studio in 2021 and the Tech Den in 2023.

When can students use the Inspiration Studio and Tech Den?

Students are welcome to use the Inspiration Studio and Tech Den during Rock Time, after school during Creativity Club, or with a class. 

What kinds of materials do you have?

So many we can't list them all here! Whether you like to build with cardboard and hot glue, code and work with circuits, make art, do green screen stuff, graphic design, create with paper, or something else, we have all the tools and supplies you need to make your ideas a reality!

In our Virtual Makerspace, there are opportunities for digital art, music, comics, and more! You need an fcpsschools account to access the Virtual Makerspace.

Is there a cost to use the Inspiration Studio or Tech Den?

No - everything we have is free for all students to use responsibly. If students intentionally damage equipment or supplies, they will be asked to help cover the cost of replacement.

How can I help with the Inspiration Studio or Tech Den?

We would love to have you! Contact Mrs. Grover if you would like to help out.


Learn more about the reasons we created a makerspace in our library here.

We love donations from parents! Click here for items we are looking for.

Check out our Makerspace Padlet, where you can find all kinds of ideas for things to create! NOTE: This is still under construction! New resources added frequently. :)