Summer Assignments 2017
View information about assignments and opportunities for summer 2017.
Accessing Summer Assignments: To access summer assignments, please log into FCPS 24-7 Learning and self-enroll in our summer assignment course. You will find all of the items described below posted in that course. Here are directions for self-enrolling in a course in FCPS 24-7 Learning. Search for the course by using "RRMS Summer Assignments 2017" in the search field.
If you are new to FCPS and do not have access to FCPS 24-7 Learning, there will be hard copies of all items located in our main office.
Math Department
View the RRMS Summer Assignments 2017 FCPS 24-7 Learning course to access your summer assignments.
English Department
Rock Your Summer Bingo
Each rising 7th and 8th grader is expected to read one book this summer. For added fun, read more and play summer bingo for a chance at winning prizes!!
Access the Book Your Summer Bingo Card by clicking on the link below, enrolling in our RRMS Summer Assignment Blackboard Course, or pick up a hard copy in the main office.
Rock Your Summer Bingo Card (.pdf)
Visit our Library Page for reading suggestions, programs and summer hours.
Google Classroom
Rocky Run will be using Google Classroom as a tool to share information with students next year. Please view the RRMS Summer Assignments 2017 FCPS 24-7 Learning course to learn how to enroll in those classrooms.