Rocky Run welcomes new staff members
Rocky Run welcomed 19 new staff members for the 2017-2018 School Year. This includes three new Assistant Principals, Mr. Kownacki and Mr. DeRossa, Ms. Sciabica, a Counselor, Mr. Myers as well as 15 classroom teachers. Since the group picture above was taken, a new Assistant Principal, Ms. Sciabica has been added. Her first day was October 2. Below are pictures and a brief bio about our newest staff members.
Mr. Peter Kownacki, Asst Principal, earned his Bachelor's and Masters degrees in History and Education from UVA. He taught at Robinson SS, was an Asst Principal at South Lakes HS, & worked at Gatehouse as Asst Hearing Officer prior to coming to Rocky Run.
Mr. Tom DeRusso, Asst Prinicpal grew up in upstate New York, earned his BA in Social Studies from SUNY Cortland, and Masters in IT from GMU. He has been in FCPS since 2007, teaching at Whitman, Lanier & Westfield HS before coming to Rocky Run.
Ms. Christine Sciabica, Asst Principal. graduated from Robinson SS, & earned degrees from GMU & UVA. She has worked in FCPS since 1990 teaching Social Studies in Chantilly Pyramid, Westfield HS & was Asst Principal at Stone for 9 yrs before coming to RR.
Ms. April Williams, English Teacher on the Eagles Team, is from Michigan, is married to an Army Officer and has taught in North Carolina, Oklahoma and Virginia.
Ms. Brooke Mekemson, is a first year Science Teacher on the Spirit Team. She is from California and graduated with a degree in Biology from Point Loma Nazarene Univ. in San Diego.
Ms. Candice Ives, Math & Algebra 1 Teacher, is from Maryland. She attended Auburn University and has taught for 17 years. She likes to ride horses and do yoga.
Ms. Catherine Falknor, ESOL Teacher was born in Germany, attended the University of Washington, Catholic and George Mason Universities. She has taught in area colleges, as well private & public schools.
Mr. Hani Boules, is a French Language Teacher who taught French for 11 years in his native country of Egypt. He taught at Herndon HS before coming to Rocky Run.
Ms. Julie Tiss, English Teacher on the Trailblazers Team has been teaching in private & public schools for 17 years and this is her 9th year in FCPS.
Ms. Katherine Bolton, Special Education Teacher. earned her BA degree from Connecticut College and Masters in Education from Va Tech, and has taught as an IA for six years at Floris ES and Rocky Run before becoming a Special Education Teacher.
Ms. Laura Robertson, Math Teacher is a product of FCPS schools attended Va Tech and taught in NC for 5 yrs and has worked in FCPS schools since 2001. She volunteers with the Honor Flight program and trains others to be guardians for the Veterans.
Ms. Lauryn Golden, Special Education 7th grade Math Teacher worked in Arlington County and at Herndon Middle School before joining Rocky Run. Ms. Golden enjoys scifi, is a linguist and book lover & worked in finance & marketing before teaching.
Mr. Matthew Rogers, is a first year PE Teacher and attended George Mason University. He has had traveled all across the world playing soccer, teaching at health clinics and assisting in the production of Christian films.
Ms. Megan Amraen, Spanish Language Teacher is originally from Chicago, IL, moved to NOVA and is a gradujate of Chantilly HS. She also attended Virginia Tech and is recently married. She likes to bike or run on the W&OD trail, or read a good book.
Ms. Meghan Nugent, 8th grade English Teacher on the Trailblazers Team taught in Wisconsin and Massachusetts before moving to FCPS where she has worked for the past 19 years.
Ms. Rachel Schuetz, English Teacher on the Spirit Team is originally from Yorktown, VA. She attended Va Tech, majoring in English and taught at Glasglow MS before coming to Rocky Run.
Ms. Rose Cho, Civics Teacher on the United Team. She taught for one year in the Los Angeles schools and for the past 15 years in FCPS.
Ms. Stephanie Basl, is a 7th grade Health and PE Teacher and a Creative Writing Teacher. Ms. Basl has previously taught in elementary & middle schools in the Richmond area before coming to Rocky Run.
Mr. Steve Myers, School Counselor for the Stars & Eagles Teams was a counselor at West Springfield and Frost Middle School before coming to Rocky Run.