Amy Goodloe Named FCPS 2020 Principal of the Year
Congratulations to Principal Goodloe on being named the Fairfax County Public Schools 2020 Outstanding Principal.
“’Together WE . . .’ is Dr. Goodloe’s core belief,” says nominator and Rocky Run librarian Ellen Bickford. “Together WE will support students and one another. Together WE will engage, reflect, and grow in order to create meaningful learning in a collaborative and inclusive environment. The words are simple but the message--Together WE--provided for every staff as a magnet, are powerful and grounding.”
Parent and veteran educator Prassu Mehta says, “Dr. Goodloe manages by having her finger on the pulse of all aspects of Rocky Run MS, whether the high-level instruction, the massive renovation, or unexpected staff changes. She is constantly looking for innovation and expects creativity and high standards from her staff and the students.”
Student Joshua Jocuns adds, “She treats us like the young adults that we are and has interacted with us in many positive ways, including playing ultimate frisbee with us. Dr. Goodloe really puts the ‘pal’ in principal and can light up the dismal morning with her smile. She is, as one student calls her, ‘unlike any other principal I have ever known,’ and I think everyone from parents, to her co-workers, and to her students would say the same.”
Goodloe is praised for encouraging her staff to provide suggestions and ideas, meeting with the student council to hear their feedback, and keeping channels of communication open with parents to stay on top of the needs of her constituents.
“Amy Goodloe is an outstanding principal because of her innovation, her dedication to support staff and students, and her positive, open presence,” adds Bickford. “Dr. Goodloe welcomed the idea of transforming a planned computer lab in the library into a makerspace, and collaborating with others, spearheaded a grant proposal resulting in $60,000 to create a state-of-the-art Inspiration Studio.” She also established a new program—By Name and By Face—to encourage all staff to pick a few at-risk students to get to know and with whom to connect. She has allocated school funds for extra staffing so that more English language learners had access to the support needed to thrive. She uses school funds to update the variety of literature circle titles to reflect our population’s diversity and interests, as well as to expand classroom libraries.

Goodloe also oversaw a major renovation of Rocky Run recently. Assistant principal and nominator Christine Sciabica explains, “One of the components of our renovation involves an outdoor courtyard, and she worked with our Design and Construction team to create it into an outdoor classroom, complete with modern benches that convert to desks for students. Thanks to her innovation and creativity, our students and staff now have an additional option for having class outside in a beautiful space.” She adds, “Dr. Goodloe’s first year at Rocky Run was the first year our pyramid piloted the 1:1 program. Her entire focus that year was of how introducing laptops and blended learning into our classrooms could foster new ways for students could be creative and demonstrate their learning. The level of innovation and creativity our staff incorporated into their teaching practice that year was unparalleled, thanks to the professional development opportunities and encouragement by Dr. Goodloe to try new things.”
Goodloe served as principal at Oak Hill Elementary from 2007 until 2016, when she was named Rocky Run principal. She began her FCPS career in 1996 as a teacher at Lees Corner Elementary. She has also served as assistant principal at Sangster Elementary and at Oak Hill Elementary, as well as a LEAD intern at Westbriar Elementary. Currently, she is president-elect of the FCPS Middle School Principals Association.